Hear Here Hartford 2024 College Scholarship Application
** The Application Period for 2024 has completed, and no more applications are being accepted. The Application Period for 2025 will begin April 15, 2025. Please check back later **
The Hear Here Hartford (HHH) Chapter of HLAA will award up to three separate scholarships to eligible applicants who demonstrate strong leadership and self-advocacy skills in their communities while exhibiting a positive attitude.
In order to be eligible for any Hear Here Hartford scholarship, you must have a hearing loss. Three scholarships of $1,000 each are available to high school seniors and current college students who will attend college in 2024. If you have received an HHH scholarship in the past, you may be considered for another scholarship, but first-time applicants will receive priority attention.
Your essay should specifically address how you demonstrated strong self-advocacy and leadership skills in your community and high school or college environment while showing an overall positive attitude in the last year. If you were able to attend a Hear Here Hartford activity, please explain how Hear Here Hartford helped you to develop these skills. Your essay must be between 400-500 words in length. You will receive a follow up email to this application submission. Please respond to that email, making sure to attach your essay and resume.
This application form must be submitted along with an essay or video to us below at Hear Here Hartford College Scholarship Committee by June 7, 2024. No applications will be considered after this deadline. Scholarship recipients will be notified by email on or before June 17, 2024. The HHH Scholarships will be awarded at the 2024 Walk4Hearing on Sunday, June 23, 2024, at 10am at the Dunkin (Yardgoats) Stadium, 1214 Main Street in Hartford during the program. Chosen recipients of the scholarships MUST be in attendance to receive the awards.